
Marketing Fairy by Angelina

Content Marketing Made Easy

Hi, I am Angelina, journalist turned content strategist. I share my learnings at intersection of content marketing and productivity to help you create more "wallet-opening" content in less time. Join 255 other time-poor entrepreneurs who use my best tips to grow their businesses through content. BONUS: FREE Notion Content Planner and 20+ Chat GPT prompts for faster content creation.

đź’« My Dream: Not to Do to My Children What My Mum Did to Me

I still remember vividly: one day, I was mad at my mum. She didn’t let me go to a birthday party, the first in Year Eight. My world collapsed. The next day, my mum went to the hospital. Four days later, she was gone forever. And I, age 14, was left to learn what it means when your entire world irreversibly collapses. Today, I’m 46. I have three children. I miss her every day. Half of my heart is still empty, although it’s full of love. I feel loved, respected, nurtured, and cherished by my...
20 days ago • 2 min read
Kalbarri skywalk

đź’«Stepping Out of Comfort: A Journey to Overcoming Fear

Hi Reader, my friend. Have you ever wondered who's behind the emails you receive? It's a question that often crosses my mind when I hit send. “Who is the person behind”? “What do they think about me” “Did I sound stupid or obvious"? And I think that’s not a bad thing. I wonder what you think of me, whether I come across as silly or insightful. But you know what? That's not a bad thing. It means I recognise there's a human on the other side of this email. It means I care. And when you care,...
25 days ago • 2 min read
Kalbarri skywalk

đź’« If You Want To Go From Rookie to Master in Content Marketing, Avoid These Mistakes

Hi Reader, my friend. Let me tell you - making mistakes is normal. But some of them can be costly: they can slow down your growth, break the trust of your customers and make you wonder: Why do people think content marketing is any good? So, pay attention to these: 1. Not focusing on content pillars2. Writing to everyone instead of one person3. Not repurposing content4. Not including emotions and personalisation.How to fix this?1. Focus on the main pain points in your content. Could you...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read

💫One Thing That Will Transform Your Content From Mediocre to Extraordinary (And It’s Obvious and Free)

Hi, Reader my friend. For 25 years, I’ve worn many professional hats: as a journalist, parenting blogger and influencer, PR manager, marketing manager in a full-stack marketing agency and B2B marketing executive. The common goal of every job role I had was to use words to create great content and generate leads and sales. And I keep seeing a big trend: SEO without human-oriented content doesn’t work. FB ads or any ads solely can’t push customers from the top through the bottom of the funnel....
about 1 month ago • 1 min read

đź’«Do You Struggle Writing Consistently? Here is How To Overcome it.

Hi, Reader Do You Struggle Writing Consistently? Writing is my Ikigai. Yet, some days, just the thought of writing makes me want to run away. But despite the internal struggle, I’m still churning out content daily. How? Step one: Have a writing routine. Step two: When things are bad, forget about routine. Establishing writing routine Inspiration is BS, just a piece of the puzzle. Writing habits and discipline are everything. “I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at...
2 months ago • 2 min read
gray cassette tape on yellow surface

TL’ DR edition: How to Find Your First Client + Crush Purchase Objections With Your Copy.

Hi, Reader Starting a new marketing business or even a side hustle is difficult. You’d need months of daily grind on social media to get noticed and generate some leads. Here is how you can find your first client more quickly Find these ten excellent resources to make you a better writer. Copy Advice: Overcome objection to buy Here is how to crush objections to buy with your copy: • I don’t trust you → offer social proof • It won’t work for me → provide a strong guarantee • I don’t need it →...
3 months ago • 1 min read

💫Don’t Waste Time on Socials — Create Crave-Worthy Content and Repurpose it For Socials.

Hi Reader! It’s okay to post on socials to attract leads/customers. But, it’s bloody crowded out there. Every morning, while you drink your first coffee 23 million will post on TikTok 216 million on Youtube 350 million of FB 500 million on X 2 Million on LinkedIn 95 million on Instagram Source: Neil Patel's blog It’s a vicious cycle. P.S. If you want to read about his topic more in-depth, here is the free link to my Medium article. Never use (only) someone else’s channel to build relations...
3 months ago • 2 min read

TL’ DR edition: Less Is Better in the Attention Economy

Hi, Reader Are you also struggling to read all these newsletters? I had to go through my inbox these days and unsubscribe - many of these emails are really good, but I do not have time to go through all of them. If you're using content marketing, you must compete with many in the attention economy. Adopt: the less is better. Because of that - you'll see more TL'DR editions from me: Short, on-point links about content marketing, writing and productivity. It can be skimmed easily, and links can...
3 months ago • 1 min read

💫 Evaluate your offer with “But why" approach

Hi friend! I know it's been a while. I didn't ghost. I moved to a new house. I was so tired that I couldn't even touch the computer, let alone write. Unbelievable how much crap we can collect in our homes (and you can learn so much about the sales and consumerism world while you're looking at things you even don't remember why you bought them). Anyway, I'm returning to full speed now and working on my Marketing Hub - an excellent tool to help you make content faster and easier, from ideation...
3 months ago • 2 min read
vintage teal typewriter beside book

đź’« Tools I Use to Improve My Writing Skills (The last One is Really Surprising)

Hi, Reader I know. Writing seems easy. It seems natural. Still, you need a unique blend of knowledge, skills, experience and talent for a good story. To be an exquisite writer, you need all the elements. You can use all the help available to become a successful writer. Here are some online tools I use every day: 1. Hemingway app The most successful writers do not overcomplicate writing. They use simple language to explain even the most complex issues. Hemingway editor is a great help in...
4 months ago • 3 min read

Hi, I am Angelina, journalist turned content strategist. I share my learnings at intersection of content marketing and productivity to help you create more "wallet-opening" content in less time. Join 255 other time-poor entrepreneurs who use my best tips to grow their businesses through content. BONUS: FREE Notion Content Planner and 20+ Chat GPT prompts for faster content creation.

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